

輪胎螺絲 M12*P1.5*28L 特殊頭型   E18  歐洲車系改裝精品。俊鈦科技有限公司專業鍛造鈦合金螺絲,其特性具有輕量化,耐腐蝕,高精度等特性,獲許多廠商肯定及採用,並能提供符合DIN912規範的鈦合金螺絲,適用於各行各業。為配合機車改裝市場,更提供少量多樣的產品服務。
Tire screw M12 * P1.5 * 28L, special head shape E18 European cars converted fine. Jun titanium forging titanium screws Technology Co., Ltd., and its properties with lightweight, corrosion-resistant, high precision and other characteristics, recognition and adoption by many manufacturers and can offer in line with titanium screws DIN912 standard, applicable to all industries. In line with the modified locomotive market, but also provide a small variety of products and services
